Sunday, September 13, 2009

There’s Code to Crack - Current Event 4

This article is about "The Lost Symbol" which is the extension of "The Davinci Code." And as the article says this series of books has caused some controversy because of the symbolism used. I have to say that I have read "The Davinci Code" and watched the film, and I was, at some points, confused...maybe a little offended, but I had to come to realize that this is a fictional tale. Though, books like these make me wonder, if so many people tend to get offended and find the theories to be outlandish, why is it that those same people tend to be the first to the bookstore for the new releases? I think even though the people know its untrue, it makes them think about reality and wonder if something like these stories could have some truth hidden underneath. I know that after watching "The Davinci Code" it made me really sit and wonder about if there really is a decendent of Jesus Christ, did Mary Magdalen really have a child by him, is the symbol of woman an upside-down triangle? The thing is we won't ever really know will we? And it's because these stories use "discoveries" of things that would take many many years to prove that it makes it fiction with a possibility of truth.

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